Friday, November 9, 2007

it is cold.

We arrived yesterday around 1pm, and although we knew it was going to be cold, it is always a shock to feel the air for the first time.

We went to Rent last night after eating at Tom Colicchio's Craft Bar, which was fantastic. The waiter brought us several things off the menu that we didn't order, just because he thought we should give them a try. Rent was as good as we could have hoped, probably better. Everything we hoped for and more.

This morning, in the city that never sleeps, I couldn't find an open coffee shop, wandered to a small store that sold me a cup of bad coffee, then I got momentarily lost on my way back to the hotel and in the cold dry air a contact lens popped out of my left eye. So at 5:30 am, on 42nd Street, I am freezing, holding a bad cup of coffee, and bending down looking for a contact lens, hoping I don't look like too much of an easy mark with my laptop and iPhone there for the taking. So much for my tough big-city gangsta persona. I was just another soft helpless, one-eyed tourist.

1 comment:

Katydid Something said...

Greg, Only you would be more worried about how you looked at 5:30 am. You know me -- a pragmatist -- I would be more worried about finding the lens so I could actually see Young Frankenstein! Did you find it?